Thursday, April 24, 2008

Being green

Whitney and I were talking about recycling and being environmentally aware.  She sent me to her friend's blog who listed all the ways she has changed.  It's a very nice list, here's mine:
Do consistently:
Recycle everything: cans, glass, paper.
Hand down clothes and accept other's clothing.  I love hand me downs.  In fact, I don't like shopping for new things for myself,  I just can't spend so much money.  I like to think I'm being environmentally conscious, but maybe I'm just really cheap. 
Donating or e-cycling things we don't use anymore.
Turning off any light not in use (thank you Mom)
Replacing the old lightbulbs with the fluorescent ones.  Unfortunately, the ones I have been buying are made by GE, which poisoned the Housatonic River in my home town...
Keep the heat low.  I turn the heat down during the day to 60 and my husband put plastic on the windows.  Our heat bills were very low this year.  This is the first year we put plastic up, I have issues...
Eat more veggies and tofu.  If we do eat meat it's either Amish chicken or grass-fed beef.
Shop local.  We do shop at Trader Joe's, but we also frequent Arbor Farms and Sparrow Market (cheap veggies and excellent beef.)
Re-use water: In the summer time I use the water from whatever veggies I steamed or from the salad spinner and use it to water the plants.
I also have a big bowl in the sink (summer time), so when I am washing veggies I can water the plants with the water I have captured.
Tear the dryer sheet in 1/3's.  I am not ready to give up the dryer sheet yet, so I tear it into 1/3's thereby getting the most out of the package.
Use the minimal amount of washer and dishwasher cleaner.
Kids use the same bathwater. 

Would like to do:
Compost.  I saw a compost container at Ace for $70. which I thought a fair amount.
Get rain barrels, are there any nice looking ones?
Get solar panels (big dream, get off the grid)
Have veggies survive.  Damn you black thumb!

There are a ton (well, 50) great tips at 50 Ways to Help the Planet.  My fave's: #4 Do not pre-heat the oven.  #28 Picnic with a marker.
Cute presentation too!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I really like the resuing the veggie water for plants. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing!