Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My first project and a continuing project

I am so proud of my first crochet project. It's a big ole granny square blanket of many colors. I'm knitting it for a friend who is having her first baby in August. I won't post any pics of it until after she has it, I would like there to be some element of surprise. I am awful at surprises, I already told her that I'm making it!

I am also starting to get serious about my body. I'm taking 3 classes at the Y; yoga, spinning, and a pilates on the ball class. I am seriously trying not to wimp out during the class but give 110% as they say. I'm also at the gym one other time where I'm focusing on weights, should be more cardio... I love most of the machines, especially cable rows. I am not liking chest press or fly's. I guess I should take progressive pics as I become ripped, ha-ha. My body goal is this: I want my tri's and delts to be cut, I would like my belly flat-ish, without having to change my diet too drastically. I think is a doable goal. Wish me luck!


earthchick said...

I can't get your adorable granny square blanket out of my head! I am seriously obsessed with granny squares (particularly ridiculous considering I've never made one myself), and yours is just so fabulous. It definitely stoked my obsession.

Good luck on your body goals! Definitely do-able!!

Pizzahead said...

You SHOULD be proud of that blanket. It is terrific. I agree with earthchick: definitely do-able body goals! Maybe I can join you in one of those Y classes next session... my fitness schedule has seriously fallen apart lately.